Our sponsors
1) Children & Future
A non-profit organisation from Monaco (Western Europe) which organises events to raise funds, such as the No Finish line charity run. Its goals are to promote and contribute to the defence and respect of children's rights throughout the world, by carrying out or supporting projects to improve their living conditions in terms of health, education, hygiene and nutrition, without any distinction on the grounds of origin, religion or sex– www.childrenandfuture.com
The No-Finish-Line is a charity running event that takes place every year in Monaco and Paris, with participants clocking up as many kilometres as they can over a period of several days. Each kilometre covered corresponds to 1 euro donated to projects to help vulnerable children all over the world, selected by the association Children and Future.
See here: www.childrenandfuture.com/no-finish-line

A French organisation created by the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (a public banking institution) to provide financial support to international charity projects. Each year, the organisation selects around thirty projects from around the world presented by French organisations that have been active for at least three years and have a partner in the country concerned, with the participation of the local population. The choice of projects is based on their capacity to improve the living conditions of the populations in the different countries, particularly in the areas of health, education and local development. The association is financed by private donors, the Caisse des dépôts and cultural events. www.cdcdeveloppementsolidaire.org